The Outcasts Of Poker Flat Selection Test Answers

Posted By admin On 31/07/22

by HE10Realism
Last updated 10 years ago

Social Studies

Created Date: 12/1/2017 8:52:52 AM. There's no 'gambling' on whether this assessment is a great choice for teachers whose classes read 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat.' You 'bet' it is! This 40-question, comprehensive review or assessment will 'lasso' students into a full understanding of the story. The Outcasts of Poker Flat. Regionalism is a kind of literature that has focused on specific geographic areas including people in the area. The writers capture on the speech, dress, common beliefs, and social interactions on the giving local (area). It gives the reader a clear explanation on those specific areas. My English class project presentaion for Mrs. France class 2010 1st and 2nd period.

The Outcasts Of Poker Flat Selection Test Answers Key

Realsim in 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat'

Ashley Huckstep

•Regionalism is a story that focuses on specific features like characters, dialects, customs, and history of a particular region. 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat' is set during the time of the gold rush in California. You can tell the region the story takes place by the harsh wheather and the mention of the mountians. You also get a feel for how the people speak, and what type of people live in the region.

•Realism in literature is a story that shows the subjects as they appear in everyday life, without adding to it.

Naturalism is the aspect of realism that suggests nature has some control over humans. This is shown in “The Outcasts of Poker Flats” when after they stop for Mother Shipton, a storm comes in. The outcasts try to wait out the snow storm, but it continues. Mother Shipton, the Duchess, and John Oakhurst realize that while their supplies dwindle, they are at the mercy of mother nature, and unless the storm stops and they have a way to travel, they are stuck and may die.

Text to Text: This story reminds me of the story we read 'To Build a Fire.' In 'To Build a Fire,' the man tries to bulid a fire, but the snow from the tree destorys it, just like the Outcasts try to wait out the storm, but it continues. In both stories the main character dies becasue of nature's cruetly. This shows the natralist aspect of realism. Instead of natature helping the character like it may in Romaticsim, it watches the people in the story indifferently like it would in real life. The cold and lack of supplies kills the outcasts, and the man's inabllity to make a fire becasue the snow fell on the fire he had made with all of his matches kills him. The universe takes no notice of the people that live within it.

Text to World:I think that what the 'Council' of Poker Flats did, and the issue in the story of weather or not they had the right to bann people from the town or not still rings true today. We have the same problems in our justice system. How far can we go? If a man kills some can the goverment kill him? Or does that mean that they have stooped to the level of the cirminal? In 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat,' the outacsts are banished and end up dieing becasue of it, so the question is, who is worse the ones who committed the crimes or the ones who indircetly killed the crimials for their crimes? Both in the real world and in the story, you have too look at how much power should everyone have over eather other.

Psychology is another aspcet of Realism. In 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat,' it delves into Mr. Oakhurst mind as well as some of the other characters. One example of this is when they are discussing that Mr. Oakhurst doesn't drink, he thinks to himself, becasue it is a habit that doesn't go well with gambeling. When they talk about how Mr. Oakhurst takes a longer watch shift becasue he is used to not sleeping, he again mentions the fact he has this skill becasue of his gambleing. Thoughout the story he is defined as the gambler though his own mind and it shows the reader how he thinks. Even at the end when he kills himself he talks of his luck that had finnally run out before he shot himself. This displays Realsim, because Realist authors were interested in why people are the way that they are.


Text To Self:In the sitituation that the outcasts are in, the older outcasts, Mr. Oakhurst, Mother Shipton, and the Duchess, remind me of myself. I can imangine that they must have felt pretty helpless when they realized that they were trapped in the cabin and would probably all die there. They must have felt guilty and responsible for Piney and Tom. One time when I got home from school, I discovered that my brother and three sisters and I were locked out. That day had been the one day this year that had an advisory warning for wind speed, and had been the coldset day of the year so far. When they had tried to use the key to unlock the door they discovered that the screen door was locked and doesn't have a keyhole, sotthey were locked out. I got home fifteen minutes after them, and after figuring out we couldn't get in, I tried to call for help, but could only reach my grandma, who was fourty minutes away. Becasue it was the coldest day of the year so far, only my brother was wearing a jacket, the rest of us hadn't thought to put one on. My littlest sister, Abby, only had a longsleve shirt on, so I took off my sweatshirt and gave it to her. This is kind of like when Mother Shipton saves her food for Piney and Tom. There was literally nothing I could do about the cold, execpt for wait with them, knowing we were all shivering, just like Mr. Oakhurst, the Duchess, and Mother Shipton could only wait with Tom and Piney, knowing that they were all most likey going to die.

Artists during this time painted normal things you would see everyday instead of people in a pose. It is very candid subject.

This video shows mother nature's indifference to the man's troubles.

The Outcasts of Poker Flat


Regionalismis a kind of literature that has focused on specific geographic areas includingpeople in the area. The writers capture on the speech, dress, common beliefs,and social interactions on the giving local (area). It gives the reader a clearexplanation on those specific areas. The regionalism has started during 1800sbecause of the changing that occur in the nation.Twoof the most powerful American regional writers are Mark Twain and Bret Harte.Both of them have capture of their reader local life, manner, and speech.

Respondand Think Critically



1.Why are Oakhurst and the others forced to leavePoker Flat?

=The resident of the Poker Flat want to improve the town by expelling thetownspeople who were undesirable, so Oakhurst and the others forced to leavePoker Flat as a part townspeople who were undesirable.

2.Why does Tom Simson act in the capacity of a “devotedslave” to Mr. Oakhurst?

=Eventhough he has beat Tom in a game but because Tom didn’t know how to gamble sohe decided to return him money.

3.What hashappened to the characters by the story’s end? Which two might still be alive?

= Everyonedied but Uncle Billy and Tom might still be alive.

Readwith a Purpose

4.How does each outcast react to the difficulties ofthe situation? Faced with hardship, do the characters act nobly ortreacherously? Explain.

=UncleBilly has got all the stuffs and left the cabin. He acted like treacherouslybecause he has escaped while others were still sleeping.

The outcasts of poker flat storyThe Outcasts Of Poker Flat Selection Test Answers

ReadingSkills: Predicting

5.Add a column to your chart, and for each prediction,indicate whether your prediction came true. Use your notes to answer thisquestion: What changes in the characters surprised you?





All character

He even pointed out the fact that there was no provision, nor means of making camp.

Everyone might die.

Yes except Uncle Billy and Tom who might still be alive.

Tom Simson

“Tommy, you’re a good little man, but you can’t gamble worth a cent. Don’t try it over again.” He then handed him his money back, pushed him gently from the room, and so made a devoted slave of Tom Simson.

He might follow Mr. Oakhurst when he has to live the town.

No,he caught up with Mr. Oakhurst later.


The Outcasts Of Poker Flat Selection Test Answers Questions And Answers

The Outcasts Of Poker Flat Selection Test Answers

Matcheach Vocabulary word with its synonym.



Outcasts of poker flat test

13.InterpretWhen Tom appears, Oakhurst has “a vague idea that the situationwas not fortunate” (page 628). Why might Oakhurst be uneasy?

= Because Tom and his wife have come to the cabin so Mr. Oakhurstthink that if there were more people then it will be hard for all of them tosurvive in the cabin. There was a limit of food. Oakhurst knew that TomSimson was too innocent so it is hard for him to deal with and undesirablepeople in the cabin.

14.Analyze How does each of theoutcasts—except Uncle Billy—change in the course of the story? What causes thechanges?

= Before Mother Shipton and Duchess of them always complained anddidn’t care about others at all. Both of them have changed because they canadjust to the surrounding and be good to others as well. They started to bekind to Piney. Fear of death has changed alln of the people so they need to dependon each other in order to survive in such a bad environment.

15.InterpretIn which ways is Oakhurst both the strongest and weakest of theoutcasts?

= Strongest part of Oakhurst was when he acted like a leader andnever gave up. His weakest was when he thought that everyone will die soon andhe felt a bit of discourages and hopeless .At the end, it seems that he haskilled himself.

LiterarySkills: Characterization

16.AnalyzeChoose one character from the story, and analyze how Harte bringshim or her to life. Which details reveal the most about the character? Cite atleast three details from the text.

= Uncle Billy, he liked to shout when he was disappointed and he wastreacherousand selfish.

LiterarySkills Review: Archetype

17.ExtendAn archetype is an imaginative pattern repeated through theages. Harte is credited with inventing the Western archetypal hero—self-reliant,solitary, and fearless. The original Westerners were only human, yet why domost people prefer legend over reality?

= Human has imagination and most of the writer like to writesomething that they have thought about to show their inner expression into the story which made it interested.

Your Turn

Identify nonessential elements,and set them off with commas

1.Harte born in New York moved to California.

=Harte, born in New York, moved to California.

2.Harte a newspaper editor began writing fiction.

=Harte, a newspaper editor, began writing fiction.

3.Harte’s stories which were popular in his time arenot well known today.


=Harte’s stories, which were popular in his time, are not well known today.