Slot Sbsp

Posted By admin On 27/07/22

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Allocation of orbital slots for Solar Power Satellites was reviewed by a Boston University researcher in 2015;

This paper says in part,

'When Dr. Peter Glaser first proposed the concept of space-based solar power (“SBSP”) in 1968, it was treated more like a pipe dream than a realistic proposal. SBSP is a technology that harnesses the sun’s energy twenty-four hours a day, that works not only when we have daylight, but also at night, during rain or snow and even on cloudy days. People currently gather solar energy for electric use by placing solar panels on the ground and rooftops, but this is not necessarily the best method for gathering solar power. A more efficient way to gather solar energy is to launch satellites into orbit around the Earth, where the satellites can capture solar energy, change it into another wavelength and send it to Earth where power stations convert it into usable electricity. While many countries spend billions of dollars on land-based solar power, which is much less efficient than solar power systems in space, most people are unaware of SBSP technology. '

'In the late twentieth century, studies confirming the feasibility of SBSP marked the first step toward realizing Dr. Glaser’s futuristic proposal. '

'From a scientific standpoint, sending satellites into orbit and building receiving stations on the ground were both feasible because the applicable technology dates back to the 1960s. '

'Even though the science was feasible, a sustainable legal framework for implementing SBSP technology did not exist in the late twentieth century, nor does such a framework exist today.'

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'SBSP necessarily involves utilizing outer space for commercial purposes, and international agreements prohibit any country from appropriating space.'

President Trump has withdrawn from TPP, re-established pipelines against environmental protest, and has spoken out against what he terms as outrageously costly regulation of US automotive industry.

The Trump Administration has invited Hewson, CEO of Lockheed Martin, who has committed that company to a manned presence on Mars, and Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, a company committed to sending settlers to Mars by 2022 for $200,000 each aboard reusable interplanetary cruisers.

Trump has already met with these two, and will meet again, just a few days prior to a planned Joint Session of Congress, where he will very likely lay out his vision for future space development.

Pence has already stated this administration will re-establish the National Space Council, which gives NASA long range strategic planning capacities.

It is very likely that the US will

(1) withdraw, at least partly from the OST as it also

(2) softens its stance on ITAR and USML as it relates to space faring technologies. This includes declassification of laser and aneutronic fusion techniques that are at present classified, and making them available for commercial use to qualified US vendors.

With the ability to exercise US control over important regions of GEO and the moon, Mars and other planets of the solar system, for US commercial development, in combination with revelation of advanced propulsion, communications and energy systems, now classified, a market is likely to emerge that will gather tens of trillions of dollars toward off world development.

Going back to the BU study, Trump's administration will likley use the following observation as the rationale to withdraw partially from the treaties, and seek to re-negotiate them, because;


'Yet nations negotiated these international agreements when space exploration was in its infancy. The commercialization of outer space supports the idea that the international community may allow the appropriation of space for the mutual benefit of the world. In particular, SBSP has benefits that may outweigh the harms of allowing the appropriation of space. Companies that place telecommunications satellites into orbit currently depend on a system for allocating orbital slots, which is managed by the International Telecommunications Agency of the United Nations. It is not clear whether this agency would, or should, be tasked with managing orbital slots for SBSP satellites. Furthermore, the current system of orbital slot allocation is inefficient and deprives willing and able nations from accessing orbital slots.'

'One solution to the legal hurdle of orbital slot allocation described above may be to establish a new international agency to manage these satellite systems.'

Of course another solution is for the USA to establish a US based agency to manage their own satellite systems, and then cooperate with other nations on an ad hoc basis.

Continuing with the BU study;

'Another answer may be to require launching countries to sign a separate international agreement related to orbital slot allocation for SBSP satellites. Finally, another technologically feasible alternative is to place SBSP satellites into a lower earth orbit, where slots are so abundant that they are not normally sought or allocated. This alternative would avoid an international debate regarding property rights in space and thereby bypass the slot allocation issue.'

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While this has been the approach of those active in this area (including myself, where we put a satellite in a sunrise sunset orbit, and beam energy at dawn and dusk to battery packs that discharge throughout the day)

'Another legal concern of using SBSP is whether the satellites that beam energy to Earth are allowed under international treaties that prohibit military uses of outer space. If it is possible to convert SBSP satellites into weapons that fire laser or microwave beams to the Earth, international treaties may prohibit countries from using SBSP satellites. SBSP is a new technology that can help solve the energy crisis, but it may not be possible without a defined legal environment for the use of outer space. This note will discuss the above legal issues that concern operating SBSP satellites in orbit around the Earth.'


Obviously, Trump is not a character that hangs back from a challenge, but rather meets all challenges head on. Withdrawing from OST, establishing a revitalised National Space Council, and the creation of a 'Space Company' to allocate rights in the frontier, will replicate the economic conditions that attended The American Revolution and the great Western Movement in US History

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This is not lost on Trump, and will very likely inform his decision in the coming days and set the stage for the coming century of development we are about to embark upon.