Disadvantages Of Internet Gambling

Posted By admin On 27/07/22

Is your child spending too much time on video games? You may need to reinforce stricter parenting rules especially after knowing what repercussions one could stumble upon, by overspending time on video games. In a major and much-needed recognition, WHO (World Health Organization) in the International Classification of Diseases 2018, will include gaming addiction as a mental disorder. This news infuriated millions of people worldwide, resulting in a flood of angry tweets on the micro-blogging platform Twitter. Whether there is indeed a need to consider this a mental disorder is up for debate and I am not taking any sides. But, this is surely a wake-up call and it’s high time we analyze some disadvantages of video games and is your child really unsafe?

Disadvantages of video games you should be aware of

  1. Behavioral and mental changes

    Children who spend hours on gaming may become violent, introvert, lose interest in the environment that surrounds them. This will lead to an underdeveloped personality because the person never likes to talk to other people and socialize.

  2. Lack of other hobbies and poor academic performance

    While the video game is also a hobby, over spending time on them will deprive the person of learning new things and playing outdoor games. An addict will always think of gaming, sacrificing other things that are sometimes more important than gaming, like studying, sports, socializing, etc.

  3. Lethargic nature, which will also lead to weight gain

    Too much screen time translates into laziness and may cause weight gain. Addict gamers tend to forget to drink water, eat food on time, and laying in one place for hours staring at a screen. We all know how unhealthy is that.

  4. Gaming addiction can slow down the brain growth

    There are a lot of games that help in brain development by imparting critical thinking skills, at the same time, playing video games for hours every day also results in a slowdown in brain development.

  5. Gaming addiction negatively affects eyesight and also results in Insomnia

    Small children can be seen wearing spectacles these days, even I got a number when I was 4th grade. Not all persons will get a weak eyesight, but getting more screen time from a close distance definitely contributes towards myopia. Also, the screen time negatively affects your ability to sleep. It would be harder to fall asleep at night and get a good deep sleep.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Gaming Advantages of Online Gaming. Easy Access: One of the most significant benefits of online gaming is that you can access them anywhere and at any time. All you need is an internet connection. Gambling can take many forms, ranging from traditional and online casino play and poker tournaments to playing bingo and betting on the ponies. Regardless of your personal definition of gambling, read on to learn the pros and cons of legalized gambling. Positive Aspects of Legalized Gambling.

What does WHO say?

Disadvantages Of Using Internet

As per the World Health Organization, this mental health disorder is characterized by giving priority to gaming, despite the consequences in the person’s social life, work life and the degrading mental condition. The people who just don’t care about anything but gaming are most susceptible to this disorder.

How likely is this gaming disorder?

As long as the person cares about other things in life, such as hobbies, homework, social activities, etc, gaming won’t harm them this much. This disorder is the worst case scenario where a person is prioritizing gaming for at least 12 months.

What should parents do?

Disadvantages Of Online Gambling

Addiction has numerous forms, gaming is not the only one. Addiction can also be of facebook, youtube, etc. You cannot tell them to not play video games, but you can enforce some house rules. You can make gaming a reward for them. In exchange for completing the homework, you can give them an hour of gaming. Make sure your child is not just playing games and not going out to play outdoor games. For an overall personality development, it is imperative that your child is learning new skills, and become better. Their needs to be a right balance between fun and work/development. The disadvantages of video games can easily be eliminated if we teach them how much is enough, and the importance of other things in life.

You can get a dance teacher at home and make your child invest some time of the day in productive activities at home. If not dance, then maybe a guitar teacher at home, you can get yourself a home tutor for almost anything, even academics. Just download the home tuition app or visit the home tuition website now.


The disadvantages of video games will only bother if one overspends his/her time on them.

Gaming is not bad, it’s overuse is, just like any other addiction. In fact, in 2022 Asian Games, online gaming will be included as one of the sports. E-sports will soon take a place among other sports.

Suggested For You To Read

Online games need an internet connection, while offline games don’t. People’s preferences between them also vary – some prefer online games, while others prefer offline ones. To play these games, you will have to download them on your mobile phone or your laptop.

While both can be equally exciting, they come with their share of disadvantages. Given below are the advantages and disadvantages of online and offline gaming.

1Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Gaming
2Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Gaming

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Gaming

Advantages of Online Gaming

  • Easy Access: One of the most significant benefits of online gaming is that you can access them anywhere and at any time. All you need is an internet connection. With ludo apps, you can play Ludo at any time since you will always find players online.
  • You get many choices: Online games offer you a lot of choices when it comes to the number of participants, teams, countries, and more. The excitement level in these games is higher since you can invite your friends for a challenge in a fight or a football game. Some games can be installed on your mobile phone, and the choices keep going up as developers always try to develop new ideas.
  • Cheap access: Most online games are free, and anyone with access to the internet can play them. You have to pay a small amount when you play online games like casinos, but that is only when you want to participate in a championship.
  • Suitable for all levels: It does not matter whether you are a beginner or an expert, you can start at any level. Depending on your performance, you will move to higher levels where the games get more challenging, and the stakes are higher.
  • Global Participation: You can be in any part of the world and find opponents from other places. This makes online gaming much more competitive than offline games. Even a game like Ludo becomes more competitive with ludo game online.
  • Visual Experience: With the use of high-end graphics, online games give you a thrilling experience. Whether it is car racing or an arcade game, there’s always something exciting in-store.
AdvantagesDisadvantages Of Internet Gambling

Disadvantages of Online Gaming:

  • Internet Connectivity: Despite all the excitement that online gaming offers, it all depends on your internet connection. If your internet connectivity is poor, then your game takes longer to load. If you are playing a game and your internet connection is slow, then you have to stop the game.
  • Loss of Personal Touch: Whether it’s an outdoor or indoor game, it won’t have the same feeling as playing with your friends and family at home. The physical presence of a player cannot be replaced by another person living miles away in another state or country.
  • Addiction: Since you have access to online games through your mobile device or laptop at all times, there are high chances of addiction. This could affect your mental and physical health. It leads to higher stress levels.
  • System Requirements: Some games require a specific operating system, CPU, RAM, and Graphics card. If your system lacks these features, then you will not be able to play online games that need high-end graphics.
  • Effect on Eyesight: Online gaming needs you to focus on your mobile or computer screen for long periods of time. This leads to problems with your vision.
Disadvantages of online gambling

Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Gaming

Disadvantages And Advantages Of Internet

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of offline gaming:

Advantages of Offline Gaming:

  • No internet required: Offline games require no internet connection. Issues faced by online gamers due to poor connectivity are not faced by offline gamers.
  • Improved fitness: The biggest drawback of online gaming is you have a sedentary lifestyle and start developing severe back pain and other problems. With offline gaming, you need to be mobile, and this keeps you fit.
  • No vision problems: Unlike online gaming, you don’t need to continually look at the screen of your computer or mobile device. This helps to protect your vision, and there are lesser chances of eye-related problems.
  • Interaction with People: Even though online gaming lets you play with others across the world, you don’t interact with a live person. In offline gaming, whether it is an indoor game like Ludo or an outdoor game like cricket, you get to meet people and have conversations with them. This social interaction is essential for a healthy mind.
  • Cheaper Options: Unlike online gaming, you don’t need to invest in a high-end mobile phone or a laptop. A board game or a cricket kit is much cheaper than these electronic devices. A lot of people can afford to play offline games because of this.
  • No Addiction problems: Unlike online games, you don’t have access to offline games all the time. Whether it’s indoor or outdoor games, you can only play it when the other players are available. Apart from gambling, there is very little chance of addiction to other games.

Disadvantages of Offline Gaming:

  • Lesser opportunities: You will not get an opportunity to play if you don’t have a minimum standard. Other players will object and won’t allow you to play. Unlike online games, you can’t start playing as a beginner in most games because your partner would not like to lose.
  • Less challenging: With online gaming, you can play with the best gamers in the world. With offline gaming, you are restricted to your neighbourhood or your city. Only if you are a professional player, do you get to travel across India or different parts of the world.
  • Can’t be played at all times: To play offline games, you need other players to be present. With online games, you will always get players at all times.
  • Limited user experience: Unlike online gaming, you can’t play any game offline. If you love motor racing, you can’t get into a real race car. With online gaming, you can get the real feel of a racing track with high-end graphic features.
  • Risk of injury: While online games lead to health problems due to their sedentary nature, offline games could put you at risk of injury. When you are playing an outdoor sport, there could be serious injuries leading to hospitalization.

Choose Your Game online vs offline gaming

Disadvantages Of Internet For Students


Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Gambling

Both online and offline gaming have their advantages and disadvantages. You can choose to strike a balance between both.

Advantages Of Gambling

You could play online games for a limited period every day and enjoy any sport you like to play. This will add variety to your life. Mix it up with an offline sport, and enjoy the best of both worlds.

10 Disadvantages Of The Internet

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