Justin Bonomo Online Poker

Posted By admin On 04/08/22

Justin Bonomo has added the inaugural Super High Roller Bowl Online title to his already quite ridiculous poker CV. This victory is the latest in a long line of triumphs for Bonomo and saw him add another $1,775,000 to his lifetime winnings.

Super High Roller Bowl Final Table Results

Justin Bonomo (born 1985) is a professional poker player and former Magic the Gathering contestant. Online, he is chiefly known by the alias ZeeJustin. Data from 2018 shows that at that point, his accumulated winnings from live poker tournaments exceeded $42,9 million. Justin Bonomo, or “ZeeJustin” to the online world, is not just a rising poker-star, but rather one of the brightest and most analytical players the game has ever seen, period.

1Justin BonomoCanada$1,775,000
2Michael AddamoUnited Kingdom$1,187,500
3David PetersCosta Rica$762,500
4Pauli AyrasFinland$487,500
5Dan ShakPoland$325,000
6Linus LoeligerAustria$250,000
7Sam GreenwoodCanada$212,500

Thirteen players returned for the final day’s action knowing only seven would receive a return on their $102,000 investment. Darrell Goh was an early casualty after he shoved with and found himself up against the of Sam Greenwood and the of Jon Van Fleet. No miracle five appeared and Goh was gone.

Justin Bonomo Online Poker

Alex Foxen was the next to fall, his losing to Bonomo’s . Sergi Reixach and Van Fleet busted before Day 1 chip leader Ali Imsirovic’s lost to the of Pauli Ayras. Imsirovic flopped a flush draw, but Ayras improved to a full house on the river of the board.

This left eight players with only seven spots paid. Someone was going to burst the money bubble and miss out on a $212,500 prize.

Pop Goes the $212,500 Bubble!

Orpen Kisacikoglu was that someone. His exit hand started with Ayras min-raising to 120,000 under the gun with . Kisacikoglu three-bet all-in for 808,000 in the cutoff with only to see Michael Addamo shove for 946,000 with . Ayras folded. A final board reading sent Kisacikoglu to the rail in eighth-place and the tournament into the money.

Greenwood was the first player to receive some prize money. He lost three massive hands in relatively quick succession, the third being sealing his fate. Greenwood’s was flipping against Dan Shak’s but fell behind due to a king on the flop. Neither the turn or river came to Greenwood’s rescue and he busted in eight for $212,500.

Linus Loeliger finished in seventh for $250,000 when his lost to Ayras’ courtesy of a jack on the flop. Shak joined the busted players on the rail less than half-hour later when his failed to get there against Bonomo’s . Shak banked $325,000.

Then it was time for the Finnish high stakes specialist Ayras to fall by the wayside. It was the all-too-familiar coinflip that eliminated Ayras. The Finn’s was racing against the of Addamo. The board had some pint on show, but it was a queen. Addamo’s lowly fours held and Ayras had to make do with the $487,500 fourth-place prize.

David Peters joined the list of busted starts only a couple of minutes after Ayras’ demise. With blinds at 60,000/120,000/15,000a, Peters raised to 900,000 with leaving himself only 225,000 behind. Addamo called with before betting 225,000 on the flop. Peters called. Blanks on the turn and river resulted in Peters exiting in third-place for $762,500.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Michael Addamo

Justin Bonomo Online Poker

Both Addamo and Bonomo were now guaranteed a seven-figure prize, and not for the first times in their careers. The difference between first and second place was $587,500 yet no deal was struck.

An early pot went Bonomo’s way and it was something of a cooler. Bonomo’s improved to a set on the flop when Addamo made two pair with his . This left Addamo with some significant work to do, which he did, eventually drawing level with Bonomo.

Addamo not only drew level, but he claimed the chip lead for himself and even lead 2-to-1 at one stage! The tide turned once more and Bonomo kept adding to his stack and he flipped that earlier 2-to-1 deficit in his favour.

The final hand saw Addamo complete the small blind with before calling off his 5,200,000 stack when Bonomo set him all-in with . A king on the flop put Bonomo firmly in the driving seat. The turn all but locked up the hand, with the river sending Addamo to the rail, albeit with $1,187,500 in his partypoker account.

The tournament belonged to Bonomo, as these things so often do. He got his hands on $1,775,000 and will forever be known as the 2020 Super High Roller Bowl Online champion.

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Justin Bonomo Online Poker

Justin Bonomo is somewhat of a controversial figure in the poker world. Back in the good old Party Poker days a decade or so ago. Bonomo was caught influencing his luck beyond the legally acceptable measures.

Justin played multi entry tournaments way before it was cool - or acceptable - by registering to major tournaments using a few different accounts. However, unlike many other players who have fallen out of poker world's grace for one reason or another, Bonomo apologized and made an effort to atone for his transgressions by donating some portion of his tournament winnings to charity.

Justin became a very successful poker player since then. With more than $15,000,000 in tournament winnings, he's just outside of the top 20 on the all-time money list. He's also a bracelet winner an accomplished cash games player and his game is certainly worth of some close examination.

Taking a Page out of Ike Haxton Book

Justin Bonomo and Isaac Haxton share many similarities. They are both highly accomplished players in the tournament and the cash game poker formats, they are the same age, they both have a history of playing a collectible card game called Magic: the Gathering before they retired the cards with elves and dragons and swapped them for queens and aces. They are also fans of highly underused and extremely devastating cbet/3bet line.

In this particular hand, Bonomo opened his button with 86o and got called by Tobias Reinkemeier in the big blind. Reinkemeier is an extremely tough player, a real tournament veteran, which makes a play Bonomo made against him all the more impressive. The flop offered many different draw and combo draw possibilities, fortunately for Bonomo, he was holding one of those hands and he was heavily blocking many of the other ones, not to mention the fact that between his middle pair, a gutshot draw and backdoor he had plenty of equity.

Additionally, Reinkemeier range was somewhat capped by the fact that he declined to 3bet preflop. Because of how well Justin's hand wrapped around the board texture, he had no issue recognizing the fact that Tobias was unbalanced towards bluffs and he punished that with a flop 3bet.

By going all in Bonomo ensured the maximum amount of pressure and denied his opponent the ability to use his stack as leverage and go over the top once again.

Everything by the Book

Sometimes all you need to do is to flop a flush and keep betting. This little hand from PokerStars Big Game serves as a great reminder that long and successful poker careers are built on solid betting lines.

Flopping a flush is, of course, a matter of short term luck but having enough discipline to avoid the fancy play syndrome and follow through with a disciplined triple barrel for value, is something that surprisingly large percentage of players have trouble with. This is especially true for beginners who find the solid lines too 'basic' or 'boring'.

A good rule of thumb, in this case, would be 'if the line isn't too good for Justin Bonomo it certainly isn't too good for you'. It also turns out that even players like Jason Mercier can on rare occasions, turn into real pay-off wizards if you give them the chance to do so.

Justin Bonomo Online Poker Real Money

Redemption Story

Turns out that being good at flopping flushed could prove to be a great recipe for a long successful poker career! That being said the last hand from the WSOP 2014 Event #11, isn't exciting due to the board texture.

It's an important milestone in Bonomo's career because it bookends his redemption story. While some poker fans are still unhappy with Justin's multi-accounting scandal, he approached the issue in a mature way, he apologized, made amends and that allowed him to stay in the poker world for long enough to eventually win a WSOP bracelet and secure his place in the annals of poker history.

Sometimes the most important skill a poker player can have is not the ability to crush souls at a table with fancy betting lines. It's the willingness right the wrongs, keep his head down, stay consistent and persistent.

Justin Bonomo Online Poker Tournaments

Justin Bonomo is someone who did exactly that, which in turn brought him some forgiveness, a WSOP bracelet and a whole lot of cash.

Justin Bonomo Boyfriend

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